Wednesday, August 3, 2011


1st painting : the artist make the person looks straight forward , paint the way it is. It has a more defined proportion , looks realistic however the painting has less significant meaning to it. Not much of an emotions from the paint. But also can't tell what the artist is trying to say.

2nd painting : the way the artist paint has the motion of a ocean wave , very smoothing. He make use of the paint. It give a sense of human flesh. The artist make painting look more significant. In terms of trying to tell us what is the model trying to portray out himselves.

3rd painting : A painting , portray out of someone. Not straight forward. The artist paints the way he wanted. Maybe there's a secret message to this painting.

Out of all image shown:
The image I chose is the woman with a long neck in a distortion painting. I find this picture really attractive. However if you see someone in reality with such a long neck you will find it creepy. The artist is trying to tell audience that , ugliness can be very beautiful in terms of how we view it.

The burning question would be  : " Does beauty really matters ? Honestly? "